HC Deb 29 December 1806 vol 8 c236

Upon the motion of Mr. Swan, the consideration of the petition relative to the Penrhyn Election was discharged, and fixed for the 29th of January. The consideration of a petition from the hon. Wm. Ponsonby, relative to the county of Londonderry Election, was fixed for the same day.—Two petitions were presented complaining of the return for Horsham, and they were appointed for consideration upon the same day as that fixed for the petition already before the house respecting the said election.—A petition from Mr. T. Jones against the Return for Shrewsbury was laid upon the table; and upon the speaker's moving, that it should be considered on the first vacant day, namely, the 3d of February, Mr. Johnstone, understanding that further time was required for the accommodation of the parties to this petition, proposed the 14th of February. The speaker felt it his duty to observe, that the proposed postponement would be a departure from the general practice of the house in such cases; the earliest vacant day being uniformly fixed upon in the first instance: and if any farther postponement were afterwards required, it was generally the practice of the house to accede to it, upon special cause being assigned. Having stated the practice on such occasions, it was of course for the discretion of the house to determine upon the course to be pursued in this instance. Some conversation arose upon this point, in which lord Howick, lord H. Petty, and Mr. Bennet, one of the parties interested in the petition, took a part, and concurred in the propriety of the speaker's objections; Mr. Bennet observing, that the proposed delay would interfere with the assize. Mr. Johnstone then proposed the 5th of February; but, after a few remarks from the speaker and lord H. Petty, the hon. gent. withdrew his motion, and the 3d of February was fixed for the consideration of this petition.—A petition from certain electors of Norfolk; in the interest of Mr. Wodehouse, was laid on the table. This petition was read. It charged the candidates who were returned, Messrs. Coke and Windham, with having been guilty of treating, &c. Ordered to be taken into consideration on the 5th of February.—Lord Howick, adverting to what he had stated on a former day relative to the means of facilitating the progress of private bills, observed, that he had since consulted with those who were competent to form a correct opinion upon that subject, and that he should the next day move, that the house do make an order that, after fixing the time within which private petitions should be presented, the house should occupy itself until half after four o'clock each day in receiving the reports of private committees, and in forwarding private business.