HC Deb 25 April 1806 vol 6 c908
Sir Anderson

brought in a bill to enable the proprietors of the new houses near Temple Bar and Snow Hill, to dispose of them by way of lottery, which was read a first time.—Mr. Manning brought up the report of the committee on the London Dock Improvement bill. The amendments were agreed to, and the bill ordered to be read a 3d time.—On the motion of Mr. W. Keene, it was ordered that there be laid before the house, copies of all applications to the court of directors, for claims on the Nabob of Oude, with the amount thereof, and the decisions thereupon.—Lord H. Petty, in consequence of some informality, felt himself obliged to postpone, for a few days, the motion of which he had given notice, relative to the provision for the family of the late lord Nelson, which he would bring forward, however, at an early opportunity.