A message from the lords informed the house, that their lordships had 327 agreed to the Innkeepers Rate bill, the English Militia Reduction bill, the Spanish Trade Licence bill, American Treaty bill, Neutral Ships bill, and Alien Prize Ships bill, without any amendments. After which, the speaker, pursuant to a summons by the black rod, attended in the house of lords, where the royal assent was given by commission to the foregoing bills, the Edinburgh Police bill, and several private bills.—Mr. Lee gave notice that on the 25th of April he should move for leave to bring in a bill to allow the same advantages with respect to the issue of small notes to the country banks of Ireland, as were enjoyed in this country; also for a bill further to regulate the mode for receiving small debts in Ireland.—Sir W. Scott moved the order of the day for the second reading of the Prize Courts bill.—Sir C. Pole expressed a wish that this measure should not be hurried through the house, but that the hon. member would consent to have it printed,and that sufficient time should be allowed to the parties concerned, to consider the several clauses which it contained. Sir W. Scott proposed to have the bill read a second time this day, and committed pro forma to-morrow, after which he should move to have it printed, and after the holidays recommitted, when as much time as the hon. gent. should deem necessary should be allowed. The bill was read a second time, and ordered to be committed to-morrow.—A message from the lords informed the house, that their lordships had agreed to the Irish Militia Volunteer, the Irish Spirits Permit, the London Bread Assize, and Bowyer's Lottery bills, without any amendment.—Mr. Rose presented several accounts relative to the Isle of Man, and the case of John Duke of Athol. Ordered to lie on the table, and to be printed.—Mr. Giles desired to be informed, whether it was the intention of his majesty's ministers, to bring forward a bill for continuing for a further period the Commission of Naval inquiry; as if not, he should feel it his duty to submit a motion to the house on that subject, at an early day after the holidays.