HC Deb 31 May 1805 vol 5 cc160-1

Sir John Frederick brought up the report of the committee on the South London Water-works bill. The report which stated only that the allegations of the preamble of the bill had not been proved, having been read, the hon. baronet moved that it do lie on the table.

Mr. Tierney observed, that the committee had not made any report of the bill, but merely that the preamble had not been proved; and contended, that in compliance with the forms and proceedings of the house, some report should. have been made on the bill itself. The committee had endeavoured to get rid of the bill altogether, by adjourning for six weeks, and afterwards by negativing the preamble and two material clauses, when directed by the house to proceed with the bill. He was at a loss what course to take on the occasion, and appealed to the chair for instruction.

The Speaker calling the attention of the house to the subject, stated, that the committee to whom the bill had been committed, having reported to the house, there was in form a report of it before the house. It would, however, be competent to any other member who disapproved of the report of the committee, either to move to negative the present motion for the purpose of proposing clauses on the report which might appear to him necessary to perfect the bill, or should that in his view be impracticable, by proposing clauses to move that the bill be recommitted, which would leave it in a state as if nothing had been previously done in a committee, A discussion of some length took place, during which the motion that the report do lie on the table, was negatived; and on Mr. Tierney's moving that the report be taken into consideration on Wednesday next, an amendment was moved by Mr. Baldwin, that it be taken into further consideration this day three months, on which a division took place. For the original motion 9; for the amendment 51;majority 42.—The bill is ofcourse lost this session.

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