HC Deb 24 May 1805 vol 5 cc111-2
Colonel Wood

gave notice, that on Friday next he should move, that there be laid before the house a copy of the proceedings of the court-martial on sir John Duckworth.—Mr. Tierney moved, that the committee. on the Camberwell Water Works bill do sit again on Wednesday next, and proceed with, the bill. The. ground of his motion was, that the com- mittee had adjourned for such a time as would render it impossible to have the bill reported this session, by which a bill that had received the sanction of the house, as far as it had gone, would be lost. Mr. Graham did not think it consistent with the usual form of proceeding, for any member to move for the revival of a committee that had adjourned for a certain time. The Speaker informed the hon. member, that it was conformable to the practice of the house, whenever any committee to which it might have referred any bill for consideration, took any proceedings that would have the effect of disappointing the wishes of the house, to direct that such committee should proceed with the bill, and report aye or no upon it. The motion was then agreed to.—Mr. Shaw brought up the report of the committee on the petition of the Dublin bakers, and obtained leave to bring in a bill to amend the acts for regulating the baking trade in Dublin.— On the motion of sir John Newport, the account of the expences of the criminal prosecutions in Ireland, ordered on the 1st of April, was ordered to be presented forthwith.—The Secretary at War moved the order of the day to ballot for a select committee of 21 members, to examine into, and report their opinion on, the 11th report of the commissioners of naval enquiry, except what related to the sum of 100,000l. secret service money; which being agreed to, one of the clerks, as usual on such occasions, read over the list of the members of the house, when all those who were present, and thought proper to do so, gave in a list of 21 members each; when this was over, another committee, composed of Mr. Huskisson, Mr. S. Bourne, the Attorney-General, Mr. Ormsby, Mr. Lubbock, Mr. D. Browne, lord Fitzharris, Mr. I. H. Browne, Mr. Prinsep, Dr. Duigenan, sir M. B. Folkes, sir E Nepean, and others, was appointed to examine the said list, and report such members as had the superiority of numbers.—Mr. Huskisson brought up the Post Horse Duty Farming bill, which was read a first tune.—The Public Accounts Auditors' bill was read a second time. —A new writ was ordered, on the motion of Mr. Calcraft, for the borough of Newtown, in Southampton, in the room of Charles Chapman, esq. who had accepted the stewardship of his majesty's Chiltern Hundreds.—Mr. Brooks, pursuant to notice, moved for leave to bring in a bill to explain and amend the several acts relat- ing to the Woollen manufactures.;The bill for suspending the penalties imposed by several of the statutes would expire in July, and therefore it was necessary to provide some legislative means of averting the injurious operation of statutes, as most of them became obsolete and useless. Admiral Berkeley was sorry the hon. member had brought forward this measure, because, without producing any good effect It would entail an heavy expence on the parties. He should not object to its progress till it should be printed, and he was convinced that the good sense of the house would not entertain it. He took this opportunity to give notice of his intention to move for leave to bring in a bill for continuing the Suspending Act for a time to be limited. After a few words from Mr. Brooks, leave was given to bring in the bill.—A message from the lords informed the house, that their lordships had agreed to the Land Tax Commissioners' bill without any amendments, and also that their lordships desired to. be informed upon what grounds the commons desired the lords to give permission to earl St. Vincent to attend the committee to which the papers relating to the repairs of the Romney and Sensible, while under the command of sir Home Popham, had been referred. On the motion of Mr. Rose, the messengers were informed by the Speaker, that an answer should be sent by that house, by a messenger of its own, to such part of their lordships' message as related to earl St. Vincent.—Mr. Bagwell moved the third reading of the Irish Election bill. After some amendments were proposed, the further proceedings on the third reading were deferred to Monday.—The Irish Excise Licence bill was read a second time.—The Irish Malt Duty bill passed through a committee.—The further consideration of the report on the bill for the recovery of small debts in Ireland was, on the motion of Mr. D. Browne, put off to this day six months.—The Irish Stamp Duty bill passed through a committee.— Mr. Vansittart gave notice, that on Tuesday next he should move for leave to bring in a bill to regulate the police of the city of Dublin.