Lord Glenberviemoved an address to his majesty, that he would be graciously pleased to order a statement of the proceedings of the commissioners for the sale and redemption of the land tax, &c. to be laid before the house. Ordered.—Mr. Loveden moved, that there be laid before the house, an account of all the monies, stocks, funds, or securities for monies, standing in the name of the accountant-general of the court of chancery, or of the deputy remembrancer of the court of exchequer at the bank of England, or south-sea house, being the property of persons suitors in these courts. Ordered.—Mr. Bernard, pursuant to notice, rose to move that a committee be appointed to enquire into the tolls on the grand canal in Ireland, and what measures have been adopted, or may be adopted for their re- 50 duction. The hon. member prefaced his motion by stating the reasons that had induced him to postpone it so many different times. He had hoped that some amicable arrangement would have taken place between the directors general of inland navigation and the grand Canal company in Ireland, but finding that expecation frustrated from a late laconic answers of the former board, he felt it his duty to solicit the interference of the house, as his constituents were materially affected by the tolls now levied, which exceeded any levied in this or any other country. The parliament of Ireland had granted at different times considerable sums of money for the reduction of the exorbitant rates of tolls on the canals in Ireland. These grants had produced the desired effect on the Barrow, and royal Company's canals. The rate of toll had also been lowered, in consequence of a former grant of the Irish parliament, ten miles below Banagher, whilst the exorbitant rates were continued in the King's County. Above 200,000l. of the public money had been granted to the grand canal, and if the rates now levied should not be lowered, he could assure the house that the expected advantages would not be derived from it, as many persons in the vicinity of it now preferred land carriage. He therefore moved accordingly. Mr. Prinsep rose to second the motion, and stated briefly the necessity of lowering the tolls, in order to render the canal system in Ireland, for which an expence of no less a sum than one million of the public money had been incurred, nationally beneficial; but disclaimed on his own part and that of the hon. mover, any wish for any reduction of the tolls, except an adequate compensation being made to all the parties. After a few words from Mr. Alexander, the motion was agreed to, and the committee appointed and directed to report on the subject, together with their observations thereon to the house.—Mr. Wilberforce presented a petition front the inhabitants and manufacturers of the parish of Wakefield; also one from those of the parish of Saddleworth, both in the county of York, against the corn bill, which were referred to the committee to which the other petitions on the same subject had been referred.—Mr. Fellowes, pursuant to notice, moved, "that there be laid before the house a copy of the return or returns made to the privy council by the archbishops or bishops, of the names of any persons hold- 51 ing preferments within their respective dioceses or jurisdictions, who may not have resided thereon in consequence of exemptions or licences under the 43d of his majesty, chap. 84." A long conversation ensued, and it was at length agreed, on the suggestion of the Speaker, as the accounts were voluminous and could not be speedily produced, that the accounts should be prepared in order to their being laid before the house early next Session of parliament.--On the motion of the chancellor of the exchequer, the house went into a committee of supply, to which were referred the several accounts laid before the house on the 6th of March last, and on the 6th instant. He also moved in the committee that a sum not exceeding 25,000l. be granted for the Crinan canal; and a sum not exceeding 50,000l. for the inland navigation canal, between the west and eastseas, by Inverness. He moved also the usual grants for the clerks and other officers of the house, which were agreed to.--On the motion of Mr. Huskisson, leave was given to bring in a bill to allow the commissioners for auditing accounts to admit of vouchers in certain cases, though not stamped according to law.--A petition of Paul Bridson and William Stowell, esquires, merchants, of the Isle of Man, on behalf of themselves and the landholders, merchants, and inhabitants of the said isle, was presented to the house by colonel Stanley, and read; setting forth, "that the petitioners have perused a printed case on behalf of the Keys of Man, dated the 25th of March last, and a printed statement of the claim of the duke of Atholl for a further compensation Out of the revenues of the said isle, dated the 10th of April last; and they observe, that the said case, on behalf of the Keys, goes to affect the principle of any compensation being granted out of the revenues of the said isle, or any other fund, which the petitioners conceive is going further than can be well justified, for the reasons therein stated; that the petitioners have the highest confidence in parliament for the application of such proportion of the revenues of the said isle, as may be deemed necessary, from time to time, for the encouragement of the fishery thereof, promoting manufactories, and other public purposes; and they beg leave to represent to the house, that memorials, to the purport and effect above-mentioned, were prepared and signed by upwards of six hundred and thirty of the merchants, 52 landholders, and principal inhabitants of the said isle, for the purpose of being presented to the house of Keys, but which were not received, the speaker informing them, that the Keys had adjourned, and could not meet without a precept from the governor; and that the petitioners have received directions to lay the same before the house, as expressive of the sentiments of a respectable and numerous proportion of the inhabitants of the said isle; and therefore praying the house to take the case into consideration." Ordered, that the said petition do lie upon the table.—Mr. Alexander brought up the report of the Stipendiary Curates' bill, which was ordered to be printed. The Attorney-General moved, that the report be taken into further consideration on Friday next. Sir W. Dolben desired time till Monday, in order to take the sense of the universities upon the measure, as their interests might be affected by it. A conversation ensued, which terminated in the acquiescence of the Attorney-General, that the report should be taken into further consideration on Monday.—Adjourned.