On the order of the day for the third reading of the bill for the better supplying of Market Towns in Ireland with water, sir George Hill opposed it, on the ground, that it would have a partial operation, and subject many persons to rates who did not stand in need of such accommodation. He should make no objection if the heavy expense was to fall exclusively on those who wished for it; but, considering that it would he burthen-some as well as unnecessary in general, he moved, that the bill be read a third time this day three months. Mr. Barnard and sir W. Burroughs spoke in favour of the bill; and Mr. French, sir W. Elford, and Mr. M'Naghten, against it. Mr. Foster considered the measure to be of considerable importance, and such as should not be hastily adopted, as a general act, meant only for local advantage, might ultimately tend to the embarrassment of the whole country. He should therefore recommend it to the hon. baronet (sir G. Hill) to withdraw his motion, for the purpose of postponing the third reading to this day. fortnight, when gentlemen might be better prepared to understand it. To this, Mr. M'Naghten objected, that in the course of a fortnight many Irish members would have occasion to return home; and, after some desultory conversation, the house divided on sir G. Hill's amendment; for it 29; against, it 27; majority 2. The bill was then ordered to be read a third time this day fortnight.