§ A petition of the freeholders of the county of Hertford, convened by the high sheriff at Hertford, on Saturday 18th May, 1805, and whose names are thereunto subscribed, was presented to the house by Mr. Plumer and read; setting forth, "that the petitioners have received the votes of the house of the 8th and 10th days of April last, with a satisfaction as great as have been their astonishment, indignation, and sorrow,at the gross and flagrant system of negligence and peculation which has been disclosed by the commissioners of naval enquiry; and with a gratitude proportioned to the extensive security and important national advantages thence to be expected, the petitioners beg leave to state their firm conviction, that nothing can so much contribute to the happiness of the people, the success of the contest in which the nation is engaged, and the ultimate well being of the country, as a system of economy planned with prudence, adhered to with firmness, and conducted, in its details, with diligence, caution, and integrity; impressed as they are with this conviction, the petitioners entreat, the house to accept their grateful thanks for the enquiries which it has already instituted: to the further prosecution of the object above-mentioned they earnestly pray the attention of the house, and beseech them to pursue with effect that which they have begun with so much honour, and that they will institute and persevere in a general system of enquiry which shall be co-extensive which shall be co-extensive with the abuses which may exist in the expenditure of the public money."