HC Deb 14 May 1805 vol 4 c951

—On the motion of Sir John Anderson the house went into a committee on the report of the vintners' petition. The report was ordered to be received to- morrow —On the motion of Dr. Duigenan the Irish first fruits bill was read a third time and passed.— Mr. Alexander moved the further consideration of the report of the committee on the Irish land partition bill. The amendments were agreed to, and the bill ordered to be read a third time to-morrow. —Mr. Johnson, from the office of chief secretary of Ireland, presented copies of the proceedings in the Irish parliament relative to the attainder of Cornelius Grogan, esq. Ordered to he printed. —Mr. Alexander brought up the report of the committee on the slate bill; which was agreed to, and the bill ordered to be read a third time to-morrow. — Mr. Huskisson gave notice of a motion on Thursday next, for appointing a committee to enquire into the expediency following coals to be brought to London by the Paddington Canal. —Sir W. Curtis moved, that the petition of the 3d of March, relative to improvements in the Port of London, be referred to a committee. Ordered. —Accounts of the different sums presented to be raised by grand juries of the several counties in Ireland, from 1st January 1775, to 1st January 1805, were ordered to be laid before the house. —Mr. Western obtained leave to bring in a bill for rendering more effectual the protection of parishes against the losses sustained by them from the defalcations of taxes. —Sir J. Stewart moved, "that it be an instruction to the committee to whom the papers relative to the repairs of the Romney and Sensible had been referred, to examine into the purchase and expenditure of stores for the said ships, and also to enquire into the loss of Certain vouchers," &c.