HC Deb 13 May 1805 vol 4 c846

—A petition of the principal inhabitants of the city and county of the city of Coventry, was presented to the house, and read; setting forth, "that it appears to the petitioners, from the tenth report of the commissioners of naval enquiry, and by the votes of the house of the 8th and 10th days of April last, decisions which have excited the highest veneration and gratitude in their breasts, that there has been the most gross and scandalous misapplication of the public money in the office of lord viscount Melville, with his privity and connivance; and the petitioners deeming it highly essential to the detection of further mal-practices, that every department of government should undergo a strict and impartial scrutiny, and that every delinquent may be brought to exemplary punishment humbly intreat that the powers so wisely and judiciously by the house intrusted to the said commissioners, and by them so able, uprightly, and indefatigably employed, may be continued, or, if thought necessary, further extended." Ordered to lie upon the table.

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