—A petition of the gentlemen, clergy, and freeholders of the county of Northumberland, held at Morpeth on the 24th of May 1805, was presented to the house, and read; setting forth, "that tile petitioners beg leave to congratulate the house on the result of the discussions that have taken place in the house respecting the gross peculation and misapplication of the public money, in open defiance of the law, that have been detected by the commissioners of naval enquiry; and they pray the house to persevere in that virtuous line of conduct, which on that important occasion diffused such general satisfaction throughout the country; and they intreat the house not only to continue their enquiries into the 623 abuses in the department of the navy, but to extend the same into every branch of the public expenditure, and to adopt a solid and permanent system of economy, well convinced that rigid frugality alone can enable this country to support the present enormous weight of public burthens, and sustain the awful contest in which we are engaged: and the petitioners implore the house to punish guilt, however protected or exalted, and to rescue from peculation and plunder a loyal people, who have ever willingly contributed to the real exigencies of the state, and who never complain but when their generous temper is imposed upon, and thus will the commons of the united kingdom confirm the confidence of the people, and instil into the hearts of all good men a warm and steady attachment to the British constitution."—Ordered to lie upon the table.