HC Deb 29 March 1805 vol 4 c158
Mr. Abercrombie

brought in a bill for enlarging the powers of the corporation of excise in Scotland, and a bill for raising a further sum of money for improving the harbour of Leith, which were read a first time.—The Edinburgh police bill was read a third time and passed.—Mr. Curwen moved, that an humble address be presented to his Majesty, requesting that he would be graciously pleased to cause to be laid before the house a copy of the proceedings of the privy council in 1765, on the petition of the duke of Athol, for a further compensation for the sale of his feudal rights. Ordered.—Mr. Rose presented the report of the privy council, dated 21st July 1804, on the petition of the duke of Athol, which was ordered to be printed.—The American treaty bill, and the French and Spanish trade licence bill, went through committees, and the reports were received.—Mr. S. Bourne brought up the reports of the committees on the foreign prize ships bill, and the neutral ships bill, which were agreed to.—On the motion of Mr. Magens it was ordered, that there be laid before the house an account of all dollars issued by the bank of England to the latest period at which the same could be made out.—Mr. Alexander brought up the report of the committee on the Spanish wine duty, which was agreed to, and a bill ordered accordingly.—A message from the lords announced their lordships' assent to the additional legacy duty bill.—Mr. Cur- wen inquired why, in the report of the privy council relative to the Isle of Man, that bad been this evening laid on the table, the names of the subscribers had been omitted? Mr. Rose promised to make an enquiry on the subject.—Mr. Alexander brought up the report of the committee on the custom duty bill, which was agreed to.