Mr. Rosebrought up the American Neutral Trade bill, which was read a first time.—Mr. Rose brought up the bill granting to aliens abroad the same privileges in the disposal of prizes as were now possessed by the natives of the United Kingdom. Read a first time.—The Secretary at War obtained leave to bring in a bill similar to that of last year, for increas- 112 ing the rates of subsistence to be paid to innkeepers and others for quartering troops, &c.—Mr. Huskisson brought up the additional Import Duty bill, and the additional Excise Duty bill, which were read a first time.—Col. Stanley presented a petition, praying that another Petition from the Duke of Athol, relative to the improvements in the Isle of Man, might be brought up. The cause of its being so long delayed was, that as it applied for a grant of public money, it was necessary to obtain his majesty's consent to it. Leave was given, the Petition was brought up, read, and referred to a committee.—On the motion of Col. Stanley, the Report of the Committee of Enquiry in 1792 on the state of the Isle of Man, and all accounts of the revenue of the Island were ordered to be referred to the same committee. It was likewise ordered, on the motion of the hon. Col. that an Address be presented to his majesty, requesting that he would be graciously pleased to cause to be laid before the house a copy of the report of the Privy Council, dated 21 July, 1804, on the former Petition of the Duke of Athol.