—The house having attended the house of lords, pursuant to a summons by the Usher of the Black Rod, the Speaker, on their return, informed them that the Royal Assent had been given by Commission to the Marine Mutiny, and Lord J. Thynne's Indemnity Bills.—Mr. Johnson, from the Chief Secretary's Office in Ireland, presented an Account of the Irish 61. per Cent. Duties. Ordered to lie on the Table.—Mr. Irving, from the Customs in Scotland, presented an Account of the Exports and Imports to and from Scotland; and also of all Arrears and Balances in the hands of the Commissioners. Or- 87 dered to lie on the Table.—Mr. Huskisson presented an Account of the public Expenditure for the last year. Ordered to lie on the Table.—Similar Accounts with those from Scotland were presented from the Commissioners of Customs in England, and disposed of in the same manner.—Mr. Stavelly, from the Post Office, presented an Account of the Arrears and Balances in the hands of the Postmasters-General, up to the 5th of January, 1805. Ordered to lie on the table.—The Chancellor of the Exchequer moved, that there be laid before the House, in consequence of the 10th Report of the Commissioners of Naval Inquiry, an Account of the money paid in discharge of the balance of 433,000, 17s. 6d. in the hands of John Fordyce, Esq. and also of the proposals made by him, and the securities offered for the liquidation thereof. Ordered.—Mr. H. Thornton, after stating the various proceedings that had taken place in regard to the days appointed for receiving the several petitions upon both sides of the subject of this petition; the proceedings also in former petitions, the comparative number of freeholders to be enquired into, &c. &c. moved that the order for taking into consideration the remaining petition of Sir Francis Burdett against G. B. Mainwaring, Esq. On the 9th of April, be discharged; which being agreed to, he next moved that it be taken into consideration on the 23d of April.—A long conversation then took place between Mr. Fox, who thought the lists should be first given in upon the last petition; and that the 23d would be an unlikely day for a full attendance, on account of a festival on that day; Mr. Thornton, Mr. Creevey, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and others. Mr. Thornton proposed to appoint the 25th of April, to which Mr. Creevey moved as an amendment the 1st day of June. On which the gallery was cleared for a division, which did not however take place, and Mr. Thornton's motion was agreed to. Mr. Thornton then moved, that the lists of freeholders objected to on both sides, upon Mr. Mainwairing's late petition, preparatory to the scrutiny, should be delivered in, on or before the 15th of April, which was also a greed to.