HC Deb 20 March 1805 vol 4 c62

—A new writ was ordered for the election of a member for the borough of Wigtown, in the room of Mr. Macdowal, who had accepted the Chiltern Hundreds.— A list of the Reversionary Grants of offices in Ireland was presented, and ordered to lie on the table.—The Hull Dock bill was read a 2nd time.—On the motion of Mr. Rose, the house went into a committee on the acts relating to Foreign Ships. A resolution that the ships and inhabitants surrendering to his majesty in the captured settlements of the enemy be allowed to trade as British, according to the regulations in last war, was agreed to, and leave given to bring in a bill accordingly. Leave was also given to bring in a bill to allow neutral ships to import certain articles, for a time to be limited.—The Exchequer Bills bill, and the Irish Spirit Warehouse bill, were read a 3rd time and passed.—Mr.Huskisson brought in a bill for permitting the negociation of small notes, which was read a first and second time, committed, and reported.—The Irish Revenue bills were reported.—Mr. Dawson moved, that there be laid before the house the number of licences for killing game issued in Ireland, since 1801, distinguishing the years, and specifying the names of the persons in each district, by whom they were taken out.—Ordered.