HC Deb 16 March 1805 vol 4 c38
Mr. Alexander

brought up the report of the committee of supply respecting the sums voted in pursuance of addresses of the house, and sums issued by his majesty to different persons, and the several resolutions were agreed to.—A message from the lords informed the house, that their lordships had agreed to the Property Duty bill, Salt Duty bill, Mutiny bill, and several private bills, without any amendments.—Mr. Foster brought up the Irish Export and Import Duty bill, Inland Duty bill, Stamp Duty bill, Postage Duty bill, and Malt and Spirit Duty bill, which were severally read a first time.—Mr. W. Dickinson brought up an account of the rates of exchange of the bills drawn by admiral Blanket and sir H. Popham, during their stations in the Red Sea. Ordered to lie on the table and to he printed.—The report of the Royal Marine Mutiny bill was brought up and agreed to.—The Sugar Drawback bill was committed.—The Exchequer Bills bill, and Expiring Laws bill, were read a 2d time.—Adjourned.