The Chancellor of the Exchequermoved the order of the day for going into a committee on the Legacy Duty bill. As he had learned since he came into the house, that some difference of opinion existed respecting this measure, he should only observe then, that there were other stages in which it might he discussed.
§ Mr. Foxstated that there would be a considerable difference of opinion relative to that part of it which imposes a duty only on legacies to children. However, as there would be other stages for discussing it, he should forbear for the present from any opposition, reserving that for the report.
The Chancellor of the Exchequerhad not heard any thing to induce him to alter his opinion, or to give up what would be the most material part of the tax, amounting to 200,000l. He was ready to pay every attention to any observation on the subject.—The bill then passed through the committee, and the report was ordered to be received on Tuesday.—Adjourned.