§ The Royal Marine Mutiny bill, the Isle of Man bill, the Sugar Drawback bill, and the Legacy Duty bill were read a second time —A message from the lords informed the house, that their lordships had agreed to the Loan, bill, and the Postage Duty bill, without, any amendment. Lord H. Petty having reason to understand that no objection would be made to the motions of which he had given nonce for this day, thought it unnecessary to preface them with any observations. He should therefore content himself with simply moving, "That there be laid before the House a Copy of the Depositions made by the Prisoners of State in the Prison of Kilmamham, Dublin, on oath, before three Judges of the Court of King's Bench, who sat there for that purpose, on the 16th and 17th of July last. Also a Copy of the Memorials from the said Prisoners of State to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, prior and subsequent to the said dates."