§ Mr. Baker obtained leave to bring in a bill for enabling Mr. Bowyer, proprietor of the Historic Gallery, in Pail-Mall, to dispose of the same by way of lottery or chances.—Mr. Williams, from the board of naval inquiry, presented a. copy of the correspondence between that board and the admiralty, on the subject of the papers relating to the squadron under sir Home Popham, with the dates of the papers, and the examinations taken before the commissioners of naval inquiry. Ordered to lie on the table, and to be printed. —Mr. May gave notice, that on Thursday next he should move for leave to bring in a bill for the repeal of the duty of 61. per cent, imposed upon the imports of the retail dealers in Ireland.—Mr. Dickenson brought up the marine mutiny bill, which was read a first, and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow.—Sir J. B. Warren brought up a petition from the town and corporation of Birmingham, praying for a repeal of the late corn bill; which was ordered to lie on the table.—Mr. Young, from the customs brought up an account of the tonnage and number of ships employed in the We6t India trade during the last year. Ordered to lie on the table.—Mr. Alexander brought up the report of the resolutions of the committee on the expiring laws; and obtained leave to bring in a bill on them.—Mr. Forster brought up an account of the ordinary and extraordinary revenues of Ireland, from the 1st of Jan. 1804, to the 1st of Jan. 1805, with several other accounts, preparatory to the Irish budget; which were ordered to be printed.—Mr. Huskisson moved, that there be laid before the house, a copy of the warrant for granting any rents, leases, or other grants of the Lordships of Fife and Strathern, in Scotland, to the hon. John Hope, in trust for lady Jane Melville; as also accounts of the balances and arrears due from the rents of said lordships and manors by the late John Crawford, Esq. deceased; which being a-greed to, the account was presented, and ordered to lie on the table. He also brought up, an account of the charges and discharges on the said rents, and a return to the order of the 12th of Feb. last, giving an account of the balances remaining in the hands of John Hamilton, Esq. receiver-general of the customs in Scotland; which were ordered to lie on the table,— 706 Lord Marsham brought up the report of the committee appointed to try the merits of the petition from the Middlesex electors, complaining of the last return for Middlesex. The report was read, and the following are its resolutions: "That George Bolton Mainwaring, Esq. was not duly returned for the said county; that sir Francis Burdett, Bart, ought to have been returned. That neither the petition of the freeholders, nor the opposition made to it, was frivolous or vexatious." The report being agreed to, it was ordered, on the motion of lord Marsham, that the clerk of the crown should attend to-morrow, to cancel the name of G. B. Mainwaring, and. insert that of sir Francis Burdett.