HC Deb 11 June 1805 vol 5 c249

Sir W. Curtis brought in the Port of London Improvement bill, which was read a first, and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow.—The Spanish Red Wine Duty bill was read a third time and passed.—A person from the Bank of England presented, as moved yesterday by Mr. Whitbread, a return of the navy money issued from the Bank, with a list of the names in which the same were drawn, together with the amount of the respective sums. Ordered to lie on the table.—The Loyalty Loan, the Subaltern Officers, the Militia Adjutants and Serjeants Major, the Lottery, the Assessed Taxes Commissioners, and the Irish Militia bills, went through the committee stages, and were ordered to be reported to-morrow.—The Dublin Police bill went through a committee. Ordered to be reported on this day three weeks, and to be printed.—Mr. Moore presented a petition from the city of Coventry, congratulating the house on their proceedings respecting the Tenth Report of the Naval Commissioners; see vol. iv. p. 846. Ordered to lie on the table.— Mr. Rose brought in a bill for the better employment of Seamen engaged in the Coast Trade, which was read a first, and ordered to be read a second time on Thursday next.— The Southern Whale Fishery bill was read a third time.