§ Mr. Greyobserved, that some time had elapsed, since he had put a question to the right hon. the chancellor of the exchequer, relative to a subject that had been alluded to in the speech from the throne. There was reason to expect, that some communication would, before this, have been made to the house, on that subject. He rose in this instance for the purpose of repeating the question he had put on the former occasion, and to ask, whether there was any probability, considering the very advanced period of the session, that any such communication would be made to parliament previous to the close of it?
The Chancellor of the Exchequersaid, he had nothing to add to what he had stated on the former occasion. It was not in his power to return any other answer to the hon. gent.'s question.
§ Mr. Greysaid, he had delayed as long as possible any motion on the subject. He 193 now felt it his duty not to suffer the house to separate without having an opportunity afforded them of considering this very important matter. He proposed, therefore, to bring forward a motion on the subject on Wednesday se'nnight, unless circumstances should in the mean time occur to render that motion unnecessary.