§ A message from the lords informed the house that their lordships had agreed to the Smuggling Prevention bill, the Privilege bill, the Foreign Plate Glass Duty bill, the British Museum Grant bill, the Duke of Atholl's Compensation bill, and the Consolidated Fund without any amendments; also to the Maidstone Poor bill, the 827 Witnesses Idemnity bill, the Paddington Coal bill,and the Camberwell Water Works bill, with several amendments, in which they desired the concurrence of the house.—The amendment of the lords to the Maidstone Poor bill, to the Paddington Coal bill, and to the Camberwell Water works bill, were severally taken into consideration, on the motions of sir J. Frederick, Mr. Huskisson, and Mr. Tierney, and appearing to be only in furtherance of the intentions of the house in passing the bills, were agreed to, and the same ordered to be signified to the lords.—A new writ was ordered on the motion of Mr. Struges Bourne, for the election of a Knight of the Shire for the County of Down in Ireland, in the room of the right hon. Viscount Castlereagh, who had accepted the place of one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State.—Mr. Long acquainted the house that his majesty had been waited upon with the several addresses voted, and would be graciously pleased to give directions accordingly.—Mr. Dent moved, that there be laid before the house an account of all the monies that had been paid to the Sierra Leone Company, pursuant to grants of Parliament, together with the dates of each payment; also an account of the Disbursement of all Sums granted by the Parliament to the Sierra Leone Company. Ordered.—Mr. Dent gave notice, that he should, on an early day next session, move for leave to bring in bill for putting a stop to the horrid practice of Bull-baiting.—Mr. Tyrrel, from the Office of the Chamberlain of the City of London, presented at the bar several accounts relative to the Port of London and the different Docks. Ordered to lie on the table.—Mr. C. Wynne moved, that there be laid before the house an Account of the number of Lunatics and Insane Persons confined in the different Jails, Houses of Correction, Poor Houses, and Houses of Industry in England. Ordered.—Mr. Kinnaird moved, "that there be laid before the house an account shewing the number of Shipwrights and Apprentices employed in his majesty's Dock Yards on the 17th of May, 1804," together with several other papers, with a view to the discussion on Mr. Jeffery's motion, which were severally ordered. A message from the lords informed the house that their lordship had agreed to the Indemnity bill, and the bill for continuing the proceeding on the impeachment of lord Melville, notwithstanding any prorogation on dissolution of parliament.