HC Deb 10 July 1805 vol 5 c823

A message from the lords acquainted the house, that their lordships had agreed, without any amendment, to the following bills: The Irish Fire Hearth Duty Regulation bill, the Hop Duty bill, the Irish Paper Duty Regulation bill, the Scotch Assessors' bill, the Irish Customs Regulation bill, the Irish Military Survey bill, the Irish Distillery bill, the Irish Property Exemption bill, the Southern Whale Fishery bill, Quarantine Indemnity bill, the Sugar Drawback bill, the Linen Drawback bill, the Ballast and Lastage bill, the Ipswich Port Duty bill, and to the Thames Tunnel bill with an amendment, to which they desired the concurrence of the house.—Mr. Bulley, from the Exchequer, presented an account of the amount of the produce of the Permanent Taxes, and of the Consolidated Fund; which was ordered to lie on the table.—Mr. Meux; from the EastIndia House, presented two accounts; one, the expence of building the Cornwallis, of 46 guns, at Bombay; the other, the expence of building the Bombay Frigate, of 32 guns. Ordered to lie on the table.—New, Writs were ordered for Wigton, &c. in the room Stewart. esq. who had accepted the Chiltern Hundreds; and for Cockermouth, in the room of J. Graham, esq. who had accepted the stewardship of the Hundred of East Hundred.—Sir A. S. Hamond gave notice, that to-morrow he should Move that there be laid before the house the memorial of the commissioners of the navy, in answer to the third report of the commissioners of naval enquiry, unless the house would permit him to present it now, which he was prepared to do. Mr. Whitbread having made some observations against the immediate presentment of this memorial, the Speaker interfered, and the notice was ordered to stand for to-morrow.—On the motion of Mr. Long, an humble addrsss was ordered to be presented to his majesty, praying, that he would be graciously pleased to confer some ecclesiastical dignity on the rev. S. Smith, chaplain of the house of commons. An address was likewise ordered to be presented to the king. for an advance of 1,200l. to H. Alexander, esq. for his services as chairman of the committee of Ways and Means. The Usual addresses were voted for remuneration to the different clerks and officers of the house. On the motion of Mr. Huskisson, an address Was ordered to be presented to his majesty, praying, that he would order the sum of 3,250l. Irish currency, to be advanced to the commissioners of the lottery in Ireland, and to the commissioners on outstanding prizes. The Speaker then attended in the house Of lords in consequence of a message from their lordships; and, on his return, informed the house, that he had heard the royal assent given by commission to a number of public and private bills.