HC Deb 08 July 1805 vol 5 c793

The paddington Canal bill was read a second time, and ordered to be committed to-morrow.—The report of the committee on the petition of Mr. Collier and others, praying for compensation for their trouble on the Middlesex election, was presented, and the resolutions read and agreed to.—A message from the lords acquainted the house, that their lordships had agreed to the Leith Harbour Improvement bill, the bill for regulating the Baking Trade in Dublin, the Corn Regulation bill, the bill for auditing Public Accounts, the Spanish Red Wine bill, the Irish Infirmaries bill, the Straw flat Duty bill, the Dublin Paving bill, and the Pilchard Fishery bill.—Mr. Ormsby moved, that there be laid before the house an estimate of the salaries of the comptrollers of the lottery in Ireland, and also for the commissioners for granting licences in Ireland. Ordered, and afterwards presented by a person from the office of the Chief Secretary in Ireland, and laid on the table.