HC Deb 23 January 1805 vol 3 c55

A new writ was ordered for the borough of Thirsk, in the room of Sir G. P. Turner, Bart, deceased.—Lord W. Russel moved for leave to bring in a bill to enable the proprietors of the Surry iron railway to raise a further sum of money. Leave granted.—The Sec. at War presented the estimates respecting the army, and Sir E. Nepean, those respecting the navy; which were ordered yesterday. Ordered to be referred to a committee of supply.—On the motion of Sir E. Nepean, the house resolved into a committee of supply, and the following motions were put and agreed to: That 120,000 men, including 30,000 marines, be granted for the service of the navy, for the year 1805; That a sum not exceeding 2,886,000l. be granted for the pay of the said men, allowing at the rate of 1l. 17s. each per month; That 2,964,000l. be granted for victualling, &c. allowing 1l. 18s. per month for each man; That.4,680,000l. be granted for the expence of wear and tear, &c. of shipping.—Mr. Johnstone asked, what number of men was at present employed in the navy? This was an inquiry which the hon. member said he did not suppose there could be any objection to satisfy, as there was an official account of the same nature laid before the house about 8 months ago. Sir E. Nepean replied, that as the accounts were not entirely made up he could not speak with perfect accuracy: but from the best information he had, he believed the number now actually in the service was about 107 or 108,000 men.