HC Deb 22 January 1805 vol 3 cc53-4

An officer from the commissioners of the customs presented at the bar, an Account of prohibited East India goods imported and exported during the last year; also, an Account of naval stores imported from Russia, from Michaelmas 1803, to Michaelmas 1804; also., an Account of the number of ships employed in the whale fishery to Davis's Streights and the Greenland seas, in the year 1804: ordered to lie upon the table.—A new writ was ordered for Agmondesham, in the room of C. D. Garrard, esq. who hath accepted the office of steward of the Chiltern Hundreds.—Lord Henry Petty moved, that there be laid before the house, an Account of all the exports to the Spanish ports in the years 1803 and 4; ordered.—Mr. Johnstone moved, that there be laid before the house, an Account of the net produce of the Permanent Taxes and the War Taxes for the year, ending 5th of Jan. 1805; also, an Account of the Exchequer Bills outstanding on the 5th Jan. 1805. Ordered.—On the motion of the Chanc. of the Exchequer, it was resolved, that no petitions for private bills should be received after the 1st of March next.—Mr. Alexander brought up the report of the Expiring Laws Committee. Ordered to lie on the table, and to be printed.—Mr, Wallace brought up the report of the committee of supply. The resolution that a supply be granted to his Majesty, was read a first and second time, and approved nem. con. Resolved, that the house should tomorrow resolve itself into a committee of the whole house, to consider of the supplies to be granted.—Ou the motion of Mr. Huskisson, the following papers were ordered to be laid before the house. An Estimate of the ordinary expences of the navy for the year 1805, including an account of the half pay of officers in the navy and marines, employed during the last war; also, an Estimate of the probable expences of building and repairing ships of war in the present year; also, an Estimate of the charge for guards, garrisons, and other laud forces; also, an Estimate of the probable expences of the office of ordnance, for land service; also, an Estimate of services incurred, not provided for by Parliament; also, an Estimate of the navy debt on the 31st Dec. 1804; also, an Estimate of the probable expences of the transport service for 1805; also, an Estimate of the money probably wanted for the hire of transports, from the 1st of Jan. to the 31st of Dec. 1805; also, an Estimate of the monies wanted for the prisoners of war in health, for the present year; also, an Estimate of the probable ex-pence of the sick prisoners of war for 13 lunar months, from the 1st of Jan. 1805.—Ordered, that an humble address be presented to his Majesty, requesting that his Majesty would be graciously pleased to cause the proper officers to lay the above accounts before the house; and that those members of the house who belonged to his Majesty's most hon. privy council should go up with the same.—The speaker gave notice, that for the dispatch of private business, he should in future attend in the house every day at 3 o'clock, and be ready to take the chair, whenever the house should be pleased to direct.