HC Deb 16 January 1805 vol 3 c43
Lord W. Russel

presented a petition from the proprietors of the Surry Iron Railway; ordered to be referred to a committee.—The committees of religion, grievances, courts of justice, trade, and privileges were appointed—The standing orders of the house were read as usual at the commencement of every session.—Mr. Dillon brought up the report of the address to his majesty on his speech from the throne, which was read and agreed to, and ordered to be presented by the whole house, and that such members as are of the privy council do wait on his majesty, to inquire when he will be pleased to receive the same.—Ordered, that his majesty's speech be taken into consideration to-morrow.—Mr. Williams presented the ninth report of the commissioners of naval inquiry; ordered to lie on the table, and to be printed.