§ A messenger from the lords acquainted the house that their lordships had agreed to the coal factors' indemnity bill, the Irish habeas corpus suspension bill, and several private bills.—Mr. Creevey moved, that there be laid before the house, an account of the application of the surplus revenue of the isle of Alan, from the 5th of Jan. 1798, to the 5th of Jan. 1804. Ordered.—The quarantine bill was read a third time and passed.—The 22½ millions loan bill was read a second time.—The postage duties bill was read a second time.—Mr. Giles moved, that there be laid before the house a copy of the apportionment of the 9 thousand men directed by the additional force bill for England, to be raised in the several counties in England, for the year ending Oct. 1, I805, towards supplying the vacancies of those who had enlisted into the regular forces. The hon. gent. made the same motion in respect to Ireland, which were both ordered accordingly.—Mr. Me-heux, from the Commissioners of the India Board, presented copies of the. treaties and of the correspondence between this country and India, moved for by Mr. Francis on a former day.—Mr. J. Fitzgerald having moved the order of the house to be read, for an account of the salaries, payments, and compensations granted in Ireland, from Jan. 1799 to 1804; and that order having accordingly been read, moved that a return be made pursuant to the said order; which was ordered accordingly —Mr. Calcraftmoved, that there be laid before the house, a return of the number of effective men added to the royal artillery, from 1st of June, 1804, to the 1st of Jan. 1805.