§ At four o'clock a ballot took place for a committee to try and determine the merits of the petition of certain electors of Middlesex, complaining of the conduct of the sheriffs, in erasing their names from the poll lists, and praying to have them added again to the poll, their right of voting having been fully admitted on investigation on the last day of the election. The following are the names of the gentlemen composing the committee: R. Sharp Ainsley, esq.; Sir William Middleton, bart.; Ld. Viscount Fitzharris; J. Spencer Smith, esq.; Lord Viscount Marsham; Sir R. Peele, bart.; Charles Duncombe, esq.; J. Hamlyn Williams, esq.; Charles Mordaunt, esq.; David Clephaue, esq.; C. M. Ormsby, esq.; Hon. Archibald Acheson; A. H. Eyre, esq.— Nominees: Hon. St. Andrew St. John; Francis Gregor, esq.—Mr. Sturges Bourne presented an account of the quantity of hops grown in Kent and elsewhere during the 4 last years, pursuant to an order of the house; and a person from the excise presented an account of the duties paid thereon. Both accounts were ordered to lie on the table.—Mr. Giles moved, that there be laid before the house, an account of the number of effective men that had been added to the force now serving in Great Britain and Ireland, from the 1st of June, 1804, to the 1st of Jan. 1S05, distinguishing cavalry, infantry, and artillery; and also distinguishing how raised, in what levies, and on what terms. Ordered.—Mr. Brooke, pursuant to notice, moved, that there be laid before the house, an account of the number of Spanish: prisoners now in. this country, distinguishing those who had been taken previous to the declaration of war by Great Britain, on the 12th of Dee. 1804; also distinguishing those who were passengers, and those who were officers or privates in the army or navy of Spain; also, that there be laid be- 560 fore the house, a copy of arty orders that bad been issued respecting the restitution of private property to any Spanish prisoners now in this country. Both motions were agreed to.