§ Mr. Baker took the oaths and his seat for Hertfordshire. On the motion of Mr. Wallace it was ordered, that Dr. Hall, of Catherine Hall, Oxford, be desired to preach before the house on the 20th inst. the Fast Day.—Mr. Rose presented accounts of the extra ordinaries of the army, from the 25th Dec. 1803, to the 25th Dec. 1805.—Sir J. Newport moved, that there be laid before the house, accounts of all pensions on the Irish Establishment, granted since 1st Jan. 1804, dawn as far as the same could be made out. Ordered.—A message from the lords acquainted the house, that their lordships had agreed to the exchequer bills bill, the commissioners for the assessed taxes bill, and the qualification indemnity bill.—Mr. May presented a petition from the retail importers of Belfast, praying a repeal of the duty of 61. per cent, on all goods imported in packages, under a certain size; and moved that it should lie on the table; which, after a few observations from Mr. Foster and Mr. Ker, was ordered.;—Mr. May presented a similar petition from the wholesale merchants of Belfast; which, after a few words in support of it from Mr. Ker, was also ordered to lie on the table. Mr. May then gave notice, that on Friday he would move for a repeal of this tax. On the motion of Mr. Huskisson it was ordered, that accounts should be laid before the house of the distribution of the money granted by an act of last Session enabling his majesty to raise 2,500,000l. for purposes therein mentioned. Mr. Huskisson presented the above accounts.—Mr. Hawthorne presented a petition from the retail importers of Down Patrick, similar to those from Belfast; and moved, that there be laid before the house accounts of the produce of the 61. percent, duties during the last 10 years, distinguishing the quarters. Ordered.