§ Mr. Mitford presented at the bar, pursuant to an order, an account 471 of the exports from, and the imports to, the ports of Scotland from Spain, in the years 1803 and 1804. Ordered to- lie on the table.—Sir J. Anderson brought up the report of the committee on the London coal factors indemnity bill, which was agreed to, and the bill ordered to be read a third time.—Mr. Williams presented at the bar the tenth report of the commissioners for naval enquiry, which was ordered to lie on the table, and, on the motion of Mr. Grey, to be printed.—On the motion of Mr. S. Bourne, leave was given to bring in a bill for appointing commissioners to execute the pension, sugar, tobacco, &c. tax act.—Ordered, on the motion of Mr. S. Bourne, that an account should be laid before the house of the sums of money which had been issued by his maj.'s orders, pursuant to addresses of this house, and not made good by parliament.—The house in a committee went through the loyalty loan bill, and the report was ordered to be brought up to-morrow.—Mr. Planta presented, pursuant to order, a return of the persons admitted, for the last six months, into the British Museum, together with an account of the regulations established with respect to the future admission of persons into the Museum. Ordered to lie on the table, and to be printed.—The house resolved itself into a committee on the quarantine regulation bill, and on the motion of Mr. Rose a clause was introduced to extend the provisions of this bill to other dangerous diseases as well as the plague.—Mr. Rose brought up the report of the committee on the address to his maj. respecting the Spanish war. The address was agreed to. It was ordered that it should be presented to his maj. by the whole house; and that such members as were of his maj.'s privy council should wait on his maj. to know when it would be his pleasure to receive the address.—A petition of the committee of the company of merchants trading to Africa was brought up and read; setting forth, that in consideration of. the various increased expences of the establishments in Africa, and the cost of the articles required for the payment of the same, parliament was pleased to grant the sum of 18,000l. for the support of the said establishments last year, which sum has been invested for that purpose; and therefore praying the house to take the premises into consideration, and to grant the petitioners the like sum of 18,000l. for the support of the said establishments. 472 Ordered to lie on the table.—Sir E. Nepean moved the order of the day for the house to resolve itself into a committee of supply; which being read, he moved, that the accounts presented on the 8th of Feb.; and also, the accounts relative to the British Museum, be taken into consideration in the said committee. The house then resolved itself in a committee of supply, and the miscellaneous services were then voted for the present year, by the following resolutions, viz. "That it is the opinion of this committee, that a sum not exceeding 1,004,946l. be granted to his maj. for defraying the ordinary expences of the navy; 1,553,690l. for building and repairing ships of war; 975,000l. for the hire of transports; 525,000l. for prisoners of war; 57,000l. for sick ditto; 414,000l. for American claims; 135,721l. for emigrants and American loyalists; 53,719l. for convicts at home; 20,000l. for law charges for the year; 12,000l. for the expences of the public offices; 29,000l. for stationery of both houses of parliament; 12,000l. for dissenting clergy and emigrants; 20,000l. for New South Wales; 8,300l. for Upper Canada; 7,l63l. for Nova Scotia. 2,100l. for the island of St. John's; 2,100l. for Cape Breton; 2,130l. for Newfoundland; 4,438l. for the Bahama Islands; 2,800l. for Bermudas; 680l. for Dominica; 6,000l. for civil establishment of New South Wales; 2,400l. for the trustees of the British Museum; 8,000l. for the purpose of enlarging the same." Which were all agreed to, and the report ordered to be received to-morrow.—Adjourned.