§ Mr. Quarme, deputy us he 307 of the black rod, acquainted the speaker that the presence of the house was requested in the house of peers. The speaker, accompanied by several members, accordingly proceeded to the upper house. On his return he informed the house that they had heard the royal assent given by commission to the malt duty bill, the pensions and personal estates duties bill, add the insolvent debtors' amendment bill.—Mr. Johnson, from the office of the chief secretary of state for Ireland, presented, pursuant to order of this house, copies of letters which had been sent from the chief secretary to the boards of customs and excise relative to the better collection of duties in those departments in future. Ordered to be printed. —Mr. Pole presented a return of the number of drivers, artificers, and labourers who have enlisted into the service of the ordinance from the 1st Jan. 1804, to the same period in the present year. Also a return of the officers, non-commissioned officer's, and privates serving in the artillery at each of the above-mentioned periods. Ordered to be printed.—Mr.Wilberforce moved, that there be laid before the house copies of any correspondence that had taken place between his maj.'s secretaries of state and the governors or other civil authorities of the colonies, since the 13th Feb. 1804. Ordered.—The 3 million exchequer bills bill was reported.—The house went into a committee on the act of the 44th of his maj. relative to the Greenland fishery. In the committee Mr. Huskisson stated, that the object of his motion was only to obtain leave to renew a bill for allowing vessels in the Greenland trade to complete their complement of men in certain ports. The resolutions were agreed to; and the house being resumed, Mr. Alexander obtained leave to bring in the bill.