HC Deb 04 April 1805 vol 4 c206
Mr. N. Vansittart

took the oaths and his seat, for Old Sarum.— The London bread assize, and the Irish militia volunteer bills, were read a third time and passed.— Lord Stopford acquainted the house, that his majesty had been waited upon with the addresses of Friday last, and had been pleased to give orders accordingly.—"Sir W. Scott brought in a bill for the better encouragement of seamen, and the more effectually and speedily recruiting of his-majesty's navy, which was read a first, and ordered to be read a second time on Tuesday, in order that it may be printed in the interval. He stated that he should move for a committee, and that the clauses should be filled up, and a sufficient time allowed for the consideration of the numerous provisions it contained; Which being agreed to, he moved that the house should to-morrow. resolve itself into a committee to consider of so much of the prize agency act as related to the salaries, perquisites, and emoluments, of Malta, and the Bermuda and Bahama islands; which was agreed to— Sir R.Lawley said, that in consequence of the delay and difficulty attending it, he should move for the discharge of so much of the order he formerly moved for, as related to the expence of volunteer cavalry in respect to the articles of horses and hair powder; which motion was agreed to. He then moved for a detailed statement of the funds applicable to the expence of the volunteer service, from the office of the agent general, together with the expence of that establishment, and also the expence of payment of the staff of the volunteers, from the 24th of Sept.1804, to the 1st of Jan.1805.— A message from the lords announced that they had agreed to the coastways importation duty, and the excise duty bills.