Bowyer's Lottery bill, was read a third time and passed.—Mr. Parnell from the office of the Chancellor of the Exchequer for Ireland, presented an account of the funded and unfunded debt of Ireland, and of the charges outstanding upon the consolidated fund of Ireland on the 5th of January 1805.—Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed.—A person from the Bank of England presented an account of all the dollars that had been issued by the Bank of England to the latest period that the same could be made out. Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed.—The Neutral Ships bill, the American Goods Neutral Ships bill, and the Alien Privilege Prize Ships bill, were severally read a third time and passed.—The American Treaty bill was reported.—The Innkeepers Rates bill passed through a Committee, and the report was ordered to be received to-morrow.