DR. MACGREGOR (Inverness-shire)I hog to ask the Secretary for Scotland if he will consider the expediency of placing the management and regulation of salmon fishings in fresh water lochs and rivers in Scotland under the control of County Councils, and so enable them to licence fishings with rod and line, in the interest of the health and recreation of the public, and not for the exclusive enjoyment and profit of a few individuals, as hitherto practised by the Commissioners of Woods and Forests: and will he prevent the further alienation from the public of the Crown rights in these fishings?
THE SECRETARY FOR SCOTLAND (Sir G. TREVELYAN,) Glasgow, BridgetonI have communicated with the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods and Forests, who, as the hon. Member is aware, are not responsible to the Scottish Office, and have received the following information:—
No sales of Crown salmon fishings in Scotland are now being made. The salmon fishings in fresh-water lochs and rivers in Scotland which are let by the Commissioners of Woods are few in number and of little importance. The Commissioner of Woods in charge of the Scotch Revenues would be glad to receive particulars of any fresh-water lochs and rivers where the Crown rights have not been granted away by ancient Charters, and he is disposed to favour the granting of licences to fish with rod and line as an experiment.