HC Deb 28 March 1804 vol 1 cc1061-2
Mr. Sheridan

rose to present a petition on the part of. T. Sheridan, Esq. complaining of an undue return for the above borough at the last election. The hon. gent, said, that he should move that the petition be taken into consideration on as early a day as possible after the 17th of April, on which day the petition on the question of right was to be discussed. Indeed, he did not imagine that the petition presented by the other candidate, and which stood for threfore of next month, could with propriety be considered and decided upon, until after the question of right should have been settled. The decision of that question might materially affect the fate of the petition which lie had just presented; and he could not see that the delaying of the former petition till after the decision of the question of right could be attended with any disadvantage.—Monday, the 23d of April, was accordingly fixed upon for taking into consideration the petition in behalf of Mr. T. Sheridan.—Mr. She- ridan then proceeded to move, that the order of the day for taking the other petition into consideration, be now read, for the purpose of next moving, that the said order, be discharged, and another made out for a further day.

Mr. Pitt

complained of irregularity on the part of the hon. gent, in having omitted to give notice of this motion. He also contended, that, consistent with the usual proceedings of the House, and the fair, claim of the other candidate, the motion could not possibly be acceded to.

Mr. Sheridan

observed, that the right hon. gent, seemed also to be a wandering light, and not a fixed star; for had he been in his place yesterday, he would have known that a regular notice had been duly given of his present motion. Mr. Sheridan re-stated, and persisted in his arguments in favour of the motion.

Mr. Burroughs

differed in opinion with Mr. Sheridan, and thought it unfair that-the business should be brought forward in the absence of Mr. Huskisson.

Mr. Bragge.

was also of opinion, that the order for taking Mr. Huskisson's petition into consideration on the 9th April, could not be withdrawn.—After a few words from Mr. Sheridan, who declared he did not know that Mr. Huskisson was out of town, the question was put on his motion, and it was negatived.