§ The bill for increasing the capital Stock of the Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland, was read a third time, and passed.—Sir G. Cornewall brought in a bill for the prevention of Bribery in the Borough of Aylesbury, and making several' regulations, respecting Elections in that Borough in future. Read a first, and ordered to be read a second time on Monday, the 16th of April next.—Sir John Newport stated, that he had moved for the production of certain public accounts on the 2d of Feb. last. These accounts had not yet been presented, and he therefore renewed his motion, "That there be forthwith laid before the House accounts of any and what sums that have been raised by Grand Juries and paid into the hands of the Treasurers of Counties, Counties of Cities or Towns in Ireland, towards the support of Houses of Industry in the years 1801, 2, and 3, respectively." Ordered.—A person from the General post Office presented Accounts of the amount of Money received by the different Postmasters within the last year, and the balance now remaining m their hands. Ordered to be printed.—The annual accounts of the London flour company were presented, and ordered to lie on the table.—An account of the Distribution, of Two Million Pounds sterling, which was voted in the last session towards the service of the year, was presented, and ordered to he on the table—A Petition was presented from certain inhabitants of the Borough of Chippenham, stating that a Select Committee had decided on the case of 1020 the late contested Election for that Borough, on principles which they with deference conceived to be materially different from the ancient usage of that Borough, and praying that they might be heard by their Counsel on that head. The petition was ordered to be taken into consideration on Tuesday, the 8th of May.—Mr. Dent gave notice, that he would, after the recess, move, that the House take into its consideration the situation of the Holders of Loyalty Loan Debentures.—The order of the day being read for going into a Committee on the Irish Militia Families Bill, a short conversation ensued between Mr. Foster and Mr. Corry, respecting the allowances to be made to the families of the militia-men, after which, the Bill went through the Committee, and the report was ordered to be received to-morrow.—Mr. Kinnard having, adverted shortly to the paper, containing the account of the Distribution of Grants for the year 1803, moved, "That there be laid before: the House an account of the sums at present remaining in the Exchequer; and the sums to be raised, distinguishing the different heads." Agreed to.—Mr. Corry moved, "That there be laid-before the House, an account of all Salaries and Pensions on the Irish Establishment, paid at par in England, from Jan. 1803to Jan. 1804, which account was afterwards presented, and ordered to be printed.