HC Deb 20 March 1804 vol 1 c951
Earl Temple

observed, that he had on a former day given notice of his intention to bring forward a motion relative to the assessments which had been made on the military incomes of subaltern officers. But since he gave that notice, several other oases of a similar kind had presence themselves, which lie conceived to bee usually strong and equally deserving the at tention of Parliament, with that of subaltern officers. He should therefore conceive, he hid acted wrong, if ha did not bring all the other cases under the consideration of the House. He now, therefore, withdrew the first notice he had given, and gave notice, that shortly after the recess, he would bring forward his motion in a more enlarged and extended shape. His motion should be for a Committee of the whole House to consider the propriety of revising and amending the act for laying a duty on property.