HC Deb 14 March 1804 vol 1 cc853-4

Mr. Cartwright moved for leave to bring in a bill for the regulation of chimney sweepers. Leave given,—Lord Marsham reported from the Middlesex election committee, that Mr. Atkins Wright had not been able to attend the said committee. Mr, Atkins Wright was, after examining Sir James Earle, excused from attending.—On the motion of Mr. Hurst, John Wilson was brought to the bar of the House, where the speaker addressed him, and after expatiating on the enormity of his offence, in being the prime mover of the scandalous scenes acted at Aylesbury, which tended to violate the right of election, and the privileges of that House, and in prevaricating in his evidence before the Aylesbury election committee, informed him that the House now deeming itself satisfied, had ordered him to be discharged on paying his fees.—Mr. Hurst then moved, that the reprimand delivered by the Speaker, should be entered on the journals. Ordered nem. con.—Mr. Corry brought up the reports of the Irish duties bill, and the Irish malt duty bill, which were severally agreed to, and the bills ordered to be read a third time tomorrow.—The neutral ships bill was read a second time, and committed for to-morrow.—Mr. Vansittart brought up the vote of credit bill, which was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow.—Mr. Secretary Yorke, after observing that some inconvenience had arisen respecting an act passed last session relative to the Irish militia, it having been passed at a late period of the session, and not reaching Ireland till October, when several men had been already enrolled under the supposition that the provisions would be the same as those of 1797, he therefore thought it necessary to move for leave to bring in a bill to amend the said act. Leave given.