HC Deb 13 March 1804 vol 1 cc850-1

Two Committees were appointed, the one to examine into the accounts of cloathing, &c. for the militia in Great-Britain, and the other for a similar purpose, with regard to the Irish militia.—On the motion of Mr. Corry, it was ordered, that the Speaker do issue his warrant, empowering the clerk of the Crown to make out a hew writ for the election of a member to represent the City of Dublin in Parliament, in the room of J. C. Beresford, Esq. who has accepted of the office of Escheator of Ulster.—A petition was presented from a number of the inhabitants of the county of Norfolk, complaining of the operation of the late duties upon malt. Ordered to lift on the table.—A person from the Stamp Office presented an account of the sums of money in the hands of the distributors of stamps on the 25th January, 1804. Ordered to lie on the table.—ACommittee was appointed to examine into the statement of the amount of monies paid to adjutants and serjeant-majors of the militia, during the time of their being disembodied.—The American Importation Indemnity Bill was read a first, and ordered to be read a second time.—The Irish Malt Duty Bill was committed, and ordered to be reported tomorrow.—Mr. Hawkins Browne, presented a petition from the executors of James Wright, Esq. late Governor of Georgia, praying for a remuneration for the losses he had sustained in that province. The Chancellor of the Exchequer stated, that he was empowered to communicate his Majesty's assent to the reception of the petition; but at the same time he would not pledge himself to any approbation or support of the matter which was contained in it. He then moved that a Committee be appointed to examine in to the merits of the petit ion. Ordered.—The Chancellor of the Exchequer moved, pursuant to notice, for a Committee to inquire into the propriety of making any and what difference in the duty to be laid on barley and big, the growth of Scotland, and that o the same sort of grain in England. He stated the different alterations which had taken place in the duties of those species of grain in Scotland, from the time of the union with Scotland to the present period He wished the question to be fairly investigated, and would not therefore prejudge it even so far as to state any opinion on the subject, but content himself with moving for a Committee to inquire into the subject. A committee was appointed and ordered to sit for that purpose.—The Chancellor of the Exchequer observed, that he saw mention made in the Journals of different petitions which had been presented to that hon. House against the late duties on malt. As it was his wish that ever class of his Majesty's subjects should obtain redress, if any grievance could be found to exist, he gave notice that after the Easter recess he would move for a Committee to inquire into the subject matter of those petitions.—On the report of the Committee being read, leave was granted to bring in a bill to authorise his Masjesty's ministers to raise two millions by way of loan on Exchequer Bills, towards the service of the current year.—The House went into a Committee on the Irish Countervailing Duties, and the report was ordered to be received to-morrow.