HC Deb 12 March 1804 vol 1 cc838-9

Sir W. Pultency brought up the Scotch Bank. Bill, which was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time on a day afterwards to be fixed.—On the motion of Sir T. Henderson, the Template Bar Improvement Bill was read a second time, and referred to a select Committee—Roydell's Lottery Bill was reed a third time and ordered to the Lords.—Mr. Hurst presented a petition from John Wilson, confined in Newgate for prevarication before the Aylesbury Election Committee, staling several circumstances in mitigation of his offence, and praying for those reasons that the House would have the goodness to order his discharge. The petition having been received, the said John Wilson, the petitioner, was ordered to appear at the bar of the House on Wednesday next, in order to his being discharged.—A message was brought from the Lords, announcing their concurrence to several private bills.—On the motion of Mr. Vansittart, the Bill for permitting the Importation of Raw Hides, &c. into Ireland was read a third time and passed.—A petition was presented from the trustees of the British Museum, praying for further aid. Ordered to lie on the table. It was moved, That there be laid before the House the different sums already granted to the Museum, which was accordingly ordered.—The Chancellor of the Exchequer moved the order of the day for a Committee of the whole House on the supply. Moved, That the order stand over to Wednesday next. Agreed to.—The Chancellor of the Exchequer presented to the House, by his Majesty's command, "An Account shewing the charge of the civil list, as estimated by the account laid before Parliament the 6th of July, 1786, and the charge of the same in the year ending the 5th of January, 1804, with the increase and decrease there of, as near as the same can be ascertained;" and also, "An Account of the payments which had been made on the 5th of January, 1804, in discharge of the debt of the civil list on the 5th of January, 1802, shewing the excess or diminution of the charges paid compared with estimates of the debt laid before Parliament;" and also, "An Account of the debt of his Majesty's civil list, on the 5th of January, 1804, as near as the same can be ascertained." Ordered that the said accounts be referred to the Committee appointed to consider of the charge upon his Majesty's civil list revenue.