HC Deb 03 March 1804 vol 1 cc686-7
Sir John Cox Hippesley

reported from the committee appointed to try the merits of the Coventry election, that the sitting member, Peter Moore, Esq. was duly elected, but that the petition was not frivolous nor vexatious—The mutiny bill was reported, and ordered to be read a third time on Monday.—Mr. Alexander obtained leave to bring in a bill for permitting the importation of raw bides into Ireland in neutral bottoms, on the payment of the same duties as in British or Irish bottoms.—John Fane, Esq. brought up the report from the committee on the London election, stating, that the sitting members for that city, aldermen Curtis, Price, Combe and Anderson were duly elected, and that the petition of Sir Watkin Lewes was frivolous and vexatious.—The royal marine mutiny bill went through a committee of the whole House, and the report was ordered to be received on Monday.—Mr. Alexander presented a petition on behalf of certain burgesses of the borough of Liskeard, praying to be heard on the subject of the election now depending before the House.—Ordered to be taken into consideration at the same time as the other petition on this subject.