HC Deb 27 February 1804 vol 1 c504

The London Dock Improvement Bill was read a third time and passed.—Mr. Bankes reported the resolution of the Committee on the Hereford election, That John Scudamore, Esq. and Thomas Powell Symonds, Esq. were duly elected, and that the petition against their election was frivolous and vexatious.—Sir M. Ridley brought up a petition from the debtors confined in the gaol of Newcastle upon Tyne. Ordered lo be laid on the table.—Lord Henry Petty brought up the report of the Committee on the petition of the Sierra Leone Company, which was ordered to be laid upon the table and printed.—Mr. Hiley Addington moved, that the copy of the evidence taken before the Committee of last sessions appointed to inquire into the petition of the cotton manufacturers be referred to the Committee to whom the petition of said manufacturers was presented this present session. Ordered.—The Duke of York's Surrey Estate Bill was read a third time and passed.