HC Deb 24 February 1804 vol 1 cc502-3

Sir G. Cornwall brought up a report from the Committee appointed to try the Aylesbury Election, stating, that John Wilson one of the witnesses, had been guilty of prevarication and contradictory evidence in his deposition before the Committee. The report having been received, Sir G. Cornwall moved, that John Wilson be committed prisoner to Newgate for the offence complained of.—Mr. White appeared at the bar with the List of members ballotted for the Committee to try the merits of the petition from the borough of Hereford. They are as follows: James Smith, Esq. Sir J. Honeywood, Bart, H. Bankes, Esq. E Golding. Esq. J. Sargent, Esq. Sir R. Barclay, R. G. Ker, Esq. G. Vansittart, Esq. J. Scott Esq. Sir R. Lawley, Bart. A. Eyre, Esq. St. A. St. John, Esq. J. Atkins, Esq. Nominees, Sir E. Millington, Lord G. A. Cavendish.—Dr. Duigenan brought in the bill to regulate and enforce the canons of the church in regard to the age of entering into priest's orders in Ireland. According to the canons of the united church of England and Ireland, no person can enter on deacon's orders under the age of 23, and no person on priest's orders under the age of 24. This regulation is frequently transgressed in Ireland. The object therefore of the bill is to enact, that whoever shall enter on these orders under the ages specified in the canon, shall be ever afterwards incapable of promotion in the church. It was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time on Tuesday next.—The Greenland Fishery Bill was read a third time and passed.—On the motion if Mr. Sargent, the Committee or the whole House on the Irish Revenue Acts, fixed for this day, was postponed till Monday.—The Committees of Supply and Ways and Means were likewise postponed till Monday.