HC Deb 15 February 1804 vol 1 cc488-9


A ballot took place this day for a committee to try the merits of the petition, complaining of an undue return for the Borough of Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire. The following members were appointed: Sir J. D. King, Bart.; Sir W. Lemon, Bart.; G. T. Stewart, Esq.; F.J. Browne,: Esq.; J. Smith, Esq. of Wendover; Sir G. Cornewall, Bart.; John Hammett, Esq.; Sir Jacob Astley, Bart.; Pascoe Grenfell, Esq.; Sir H. Iuglis, bart.; John Buller, Esq.; Lord Ossulston; Ed. B. Portman, Esq.—Those gentlemen having, pursuant to the Speakers direction, retired to choose two nominees, returned the following names:—Sir M. B. Folkes, Bart.; C. W. Wynne, Esq.—The committee proceeded to business forthwith.—Mr. Secretary Yorke presented a genera! abstract of the several sub-division returns of the volunteers, under the act of the 43d of his Majesty. Ordered to lie on the I table.—iir Jacob Astley presented a petition j from the land owners, barley growers and malsters of the county of Norfolk against the additional malt duties. Ordered to lie on the table.—Mr. Windham presented a petition from the noblemen, gentlemen, &c. who are subscribers to the Veterinary college, slating the importance of the institution, the inadequacy of their funds, and praying parliamentary aid. This was ordered to lie on the table; as was a petition, containing a similar prayer, from the Board of Agriculture, and which was presented by Mr. Foster. Mr. Vansittart brought op the report of the committee to whom was referred the appointment of a list of member's, &c. according to the East India Judicature Bill, winch was read and the report ordered to be considered tomorrow in a committee of the whole House.—Sir Jacob Astley presentend a petition from the debtors confined in the county goal of Norwich, which was ordered to lie on the table.—Coionel Calcraft presented a petition from certain persons, praying for leave to bring in a bill for constructing a pier and making other improvements in the Bay of Carnarvon. This petition was referred to a private committee.—The committees of Supply and Ways and Means were postponed till Friday: and the House adjourned.