HC Deb 13 February 1804 vol 1 c472

The Loudon Dock Bill was read a second time, and ordered to be committed.—Mr, Bond brought up copies of an order of Council respecting captures made by Lord Hood at Toulon.—A person from the Exchequer brought up an account of the permanent taxes for the years ending January, 1803, and January, 1804, distinguishing each quarter.—Mr. Secretary Yorke brought up a copy of the circular letters from the Secretary of State to the lord lieutenants of counties respecting the volunteers, which were ordered to be printed.—He also moved to postpone the second reading of the Volunteer Consolidation Bill from Wednesday to Friday next. Agreed to.—Mr. Corry then gave notice that as Wednesday was an open day, he should on that day move for the appointment of a Committee to consider of certain acts relative to the revenue of Ireland.