HC Deb 10 February 1804 vol 1 cc470-1

Sir John William Anderson brought up the report of the Committee to whom was referred the petition of Messrs Boydells, which was read and agreed to, and leave was given to bring in a bill to enable Messrs. Boydells to dispose of their collection of pictures, drawings, and engravings; and also of their leasehold premises in Pall Mall, commonly called the Shakespeare Gallery, by way of chances. Sir J. W. Anderson and Sir W. Curtis, were ordered to prepare and bring in the same.—Mr. Secretary Yorke brought in a bill to consolidate and amend the three acts of the 43d and 43d of his present Majesty respecting the volunteers; and to make further regulations, &c. This bill was read a first time, ordered to be read a second time on Wednesday next, and to be printed.—The copies of the correspondence, &c. respecting the volunteers which have been already printed, were, on the motion of Mr. Yorke, ordered to be printed.—Mr. Creevey gave notice that he would, on this day seen night, move for the production of certain pipers respecting the island of Ceylon.—The London Wet Docks Bill was road a third time and passed.—The report of the Portugal Corn Bill was brought up, agreed to, and the bill ordered to be read a third time to-morrow.—A person from the Bank of England presented an account of the receipt and expenditure of 6,287,941l. by the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt for one year, from the 1st of February, 1803, to the 31st of January, 1804. Also an account of the receipt, &c. of 1,587,825l. for one quarter, from the 1st of February, to the 1st of May, 1803. Ordered to lie on the table.—The following are (he members of the Committee appointed to try the merits of a petition against the return for the Borough of Weymouth: The Hon. Richard Ryder, W. Morland, Esq. W. Dickenson, Esq. E. W. Bootle, Esq. Anthony H. Eyre, Esq. W. Mellish, Esq. T. R. Beaumont, Esq. G. P. Holford, Esq. E. Hilliard, Esq. Albemarle Bertie, Esq. C. Smith, Esq. G. W. Gunning, Esq. J. Whitmore, Esq.—Nominees. J. Calcraft, Esq. B. Hobhouse, Esq.—The Speaker announced to the House, that the clerk had laid on the table a list of the members as prescribed by the East India Judicature Bill.