HC Deb 08 February 1804 vol 1 c425
Admiral Berkeley.

—Sir, it is not at present my intention to press the motion of which I gave notice before the recess, for the production of certain papers respecting the insurrection in Dublin on the 23d of July last, and the conduct of the Irish government upon that emergency. The principal object of the motion of which I formerly gave notice, was to throw as much light as possible on the conduct of an hon. relative of mine (General Fox) upon that occasion, as I had conceived that some expressions which were made use of by some right hon. members of this House, implied a strong reflection on the character of that gallant officer. As I am now, however, given to understand, that those who made use of the expressions to which I allude, expressly disavow any intention of criminating that brave and meritorious officer, I feel it no longer necessary to press the motion of which I formerly gave notice.

Mr. Secretary Yorke.

—Sir, although it is, perhaps, not strictly regular in me to offer any observations upon the hon. member's choosing to withdraw his motion, yet I must say I am extremely glad, that, upon consideration, he had thought proper to pursue this course; arid it gives me the more pleasure, as I feel perfectly convinced that it never could have been the intention of his Majesty's ministers, and I am sure it was never my intention, in any manner to criminate that gallant officer, whose merit and whose services we are very willing to acknowledge.

Sir John Wrottesley,

—Sir, it gives me much pleasure to hear from one of his Majesty's ministers so honourable a testimony of the merit of the gallant officer who has devoted his life to the interests of his country j but when I consider the circumstances attending the late rebellion in Ireland, I cannot but feel convinced that there must have been in some quarter the grossest negligence and inattention; it therefore appears to me, that the House would not act consistent with the public duty, in suffering this business to rest here without further examination. I therefore give notice, that, on Monday se'night, I shall move for the production of certain papers, which I conceive necessary for the information of the House upon this subject.