HC Deb 19 December 1803 vol 1 c368

Colonel Barton, from the office of the Inspector General of the army of reserve, brought up the general return of the number of men raised for the royal army of reserve up to the present month of December. Ordered to be printed.—Mr. Parr, from the African Company, presented some accounts from that company. Ordered to lie on the table.—Mr. Dent presented a petition horn the prisoners confined for debt in Lancaster Gaol, praying for relief.—Colonel Stanley and Mr. Tierney presented similar petitions from the prisoners confined for debt in Chester Gaol, and in the Fleet. Ordered to lie on the table.—A new writ was ordered for the borough of Caermarthen, in the room of J. G. Phillips, Esq. who has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds.—A person from the Excise, brought up an account of the quantity of table beer and small beer, which had paid duty from January, 1802, to January, 1803.—The report of the Committee of Supply, respecting the sum granted for the encouragement of the linen manufactures in Ireland, was brought up and agreed to.