HC Deb 09 October 1940 vol 365 cc356-7
10. Mr. Woodburn

asked the Minister of Transport, whether he is aware that railway companies are observing literally the hours of limitation for workmen's cheap facilities which, with unavoidable delays, in many cases means the virtual cancellation of the concession; and whether he is prepared to arrange for the necessary elasticity in the concession?

Lieut.-Colonel Moore-Brabazon

The railway companies and the London Passenger Transport Board already issue workmen's tickets, on production of the necessary identification, at any time on Sundays to persons travelling between places of residence and places of employment, and at any time on weekdays to artisans, mechanics and labourers working on shifts. They also allow an interval of 30 minutes after the "Raiders passed" signal is given, when an air-raid warning has been in operation during the hours that workmen's tickets are normally issued. This interval is reasonably applied according to the circumstances in particular cases. Consideration will now be given to voluntary A.R.P. and other Civil Defence workers who normally use workmen's tickets and, after being on duty during the night, travel to work after the issue of workmen's tickets has ceased. Special arrangements will be necessary and details will be announced shortly.

Mr. Thorne

Is there any remedy for an individual who has a return ticket from one given place to another, but gets turned out at a station before he gets half-way to the end of his journey?

Lieut.-Colonel Moore-Brabazon

I am afraid not, at the present moment.

Colonel Sir A. Lambert Ward

Is there any chance of these facilities being extended to members of the Home Guard who are going on duty at some distance from their homes?

Lieut.-Colonel Moore-Brabazon

I will consider that suggestion.